序号 考点词 真题同义替换 1 reserve [rI'z3;v] v. 预订 book 2 in advance 提前 ahead, before 3 have to 必须 must, should, need, require, necessary, be supposed to, demand, order 4 adjust [J'dZVst] v. 调整;改变 change, alter, modify, shift, revert 5 and [Jnd] conj. 和 and also, as well as, with, in addition 6 but [bJt] conj. 但是 however, yet, instead 7 because [bI'kQz] conj. 因为 why, as a result, therefore, cause 8 diversity [daI'v3;sJtI] n. 多样性 a variety of, a number of, a range of, various, different 9 fee [fi;] n. 费用,花销 money, cost, price, expense, budget, fund, financial, economic 10 establish [I'st&blIS] v. 建造 build, create, construct, set up, install 11 transfer [tr&ns'f3;(r)] v. 搬,移动 move, relocate 12 habitat ['h&bIt&t] n. 栖息地 live, territory 13 international [%IntJ'n&SnJl] adj. 国际的 countries, continents, global 14 export [Ik'spO;t] v. 出口 abroad, overseas 15 vegetation [%vedZJ'teISn] n. 植被 plant, tree, forest, botanic 16 animal ['&nIml] n. 动物 mammal, wildlife, creature, species 17 feature ['fi;tSJ(r)] n. 特点 characteristic, trait, property 18 emigrate ['emIgreIt] v. 迁徙 move, go away 19 food [fu;d] n. 食物 feed on, eat 20 allergic [J'l3;dZIk] adj. 过敏的 can’t eat 21 fitness ['fItnJs] n. 健康 health, medical, sickness, illness, gym 22 tradition [trJ'dISn] n. 传统 custom, convention, local culture, lifestyle 23 entertainment [%entJ'teInmJnt] n. 娱乐 recreation, leisure 24 press [pres] n. 媒体 media, TV, newspaper, radio 25 online [%Qn'laIn] n. 网络 Internet, website

26 publicity [pVb'lIsJtI] n. 宣传 website, media, news, marketing 27 picture ['pIktSJ(r)] n. 照片 photo, photograph, camera, image 28 jewellery ['dZu;JlrI] n. 珠宝 rings, bracelets, necklaces, precious stones, gem, diamond, luxurious 29 artwork ['A;tw3;k] n. 艺术品 painting, drawing, craft 30 statue ['st&tSu;] n. 雕像 sculpture, carving 31 movie ['mu;vI] n. 电影 film, documentary, cinema 32 geology [dZI'QlJdZI] n. 地质学;地质情况 cliff, fossil, rock, landscape 33 countryside ['kVntrIsaId] adj.乡村的 rural area 34 urban ['3;bJn] adj. 城市的 city, metropolitan 35 coastline ['kJUstlaIn] n. 海岸线 shore, seaside 36 environment [In'vaIrJnmJnt] n. 周围环境 neighbourhood, surrounding 37 noisy ['nOIzI] adj. 吵闹的 disturbing, not quiet 38 capacity [kJ'p&sJtI] n. 容量 volume, room, space, size 39 outdoor ['aUtdO;(r)] adj. 户外的 gardens, park, open air 40 accommodation [J%kQmJ'deISn] n. 住宿 living, dwelling, dorm 41 place [pleIs] n. 地点 where, spot, location, area 42 near [nIJ(r)] adj. 附近的 close, not far from, nearby 43 remote [rI'mJUt] adj. 偏远的 isolated, distant 44 advantage [Jd'vA;ntIdZ] n. 优点 benefit, positive, good thing, strength 45 disadvantage [%dIsJd'vA;ntIdZ] n. 缺点 drawback, shortcoming, negative, problem 46 education [%edZU'keISn] n. 教育 schools, colleges, institution 47 ordinary people 公众 people, inhabitants, the public, men and women 48 student ['stju;dnt] n. 学生 pupil, undergraduate, postgraduate, scholar 49 purpose ['p3;pJs] n. 目标 aim, goal, target, key areas 50 learn [l3;n] v. 学习 acquire, get, obtain 51 structure ['strVktSJ(r)] n. 结构大纲 outline, framework

52 reference materials 参考资料 books, journals, magazines 53 extensive [Ik'stensIv] 广泛 comprehensive, a lot of, many 54 expertise [%eksp3;'ti;z] n. 能力,专长 ability, skill 55 group [gru;p] n. 团队 team 56 associate [J'sJUSIeIt] v. 与……相关 relate to, connect, link 57 approach [J'prJUtS] n. 方法 way, how, method 58 motivate ['mJUtIveIt] v. 鼓励,促进 encourage, stimulate, keep active, boost, help, actuate 59 improve [Im'pru;v] v. 提升 develop, promote 60 overlook [%JUvJ'lUk] v. 低估 underestimate, neglect 61 omit [J'mIt] v. 省掉 leave out, cancel 62 find [faInd] v. 发现 discover, detect, spot, see, sight 63 opportunity [%QpJ'tju;nJtI] n. 机会 chance, odds, hope, occasion 64 difficult ['dIfIkJlt] adj. 困难的 problem, hard, not easy, not simple, tough 65 prevent [prI'vent] v. 阻止,避免 avoid, stop, escape, forbid, out of bounds, impede, dispute 66 misunderstand [%mIsVndJ'st&nd] v. 理解错误 wrong idea, confuse, puzzle, perplex 67 try hard 努力 make efforts, hard working 68 feedback ['fI;db&k] n. 反馈 response, reaction, reply 69 affect [J'fekt] v. 影响 impact, influence, effect 70 analysis [J'n&lJsIs] n. 分析,认知 perspective视角, understand, perceive感觉,察觉,理解, know 71 result [rI'zVlt] n. 结果 outcome, consequence结果,后果, conclusion 72 handle ['h&ndl] v. 处理 deal with, cope with, figure out, work out, take care of, operate, exert运用,发挥,施加影响 73 support [sJ'pO;t] n. 帮助 help, assistance, aid, tip, facilitate促进,帮助,使容易 74 ideal [aI'di;Jl] adj. 完美的 perfect 75 rigorous ['rIgJrJs] adj. 严格的 strict, demanding, rigid死板的, precise精确的 76 restrict [rI'strIkt] v. 限制 limit, not permit 77 similar ['sImJlJ(r)] adj. 相似的 like, compare, resemble 78 particular [pJ'tIkjJlJ(r)] adj. 特别的 special, in particular, especially, extraordinary 79 copy ['kQpI] v. 重复 repeat, reproduce, counterpart副本,配对物

80 statistics [stJ'tIstIks] n. 统计学 data, figure数字,外形,人物 81 maximum ['m&ksImJm] n. 最大值 up to, at most 82 minimum ['mInImJm] n. 最小值 at least 83 initial [I'nISl] adj. 最初的,开始的 at first, start, begin, early on, premiere 84 limited ['lImItId] adj. 少量的 just a few, a little, small, a small number of, not many, miniature, finite 85 shorten ['SO;tn] v. 截短 cut down 86 decrease [dI'kri;s] v. 降低 lower, reduce, fewer, drop, fall 87 lack [l&k] n./v. 缺乏 shortage, insufficient, fewer, not enough 88 large [lA;dZ] adj. 大的 big, huge 89 amount of 大量 lots of, large quantities of, loads of 90 majority [mJ'dZQrJtI] n. 绝大部分 most 91 double ['dVbl] v. 两倍 twice, dual双数,双数词 92 more than 超过 over, beyond, exceed, above 93 at present 当前 already, existing, currently, nowadays 94 update [%Vp'deIt] v. 更新 upgrade, up to date, more current, modern, renovate 95 newest ['nju;Ist] adj. 最新的 latest 96 soon [su;n] adv. 将来 later, in the future 97 out of date 过时的 old fashioned, obsolete废弃的,老式的, outmoded过时的 98 ancient ['eInSJnt] adj. 古老的,过去的 medieval, in the past, once, historical, old, former 99 temporary ['temprJrI] adj. 暂时的 a short time, interim临时的,暂时的, extraordinary临时的 100 deadline ['dedlaIn] n. 截止时间 time pressure, on time 101 permanent ['p3;mJnJnt] adj. 长久的 long-lasting 102 more often 频繁 frequent 103 annual ['&njUJl] adj. 年度的 every year 104 every month 每个月 monthly, four weeks, mensal餐桌的;每月一次的;每月的 105 every day 每天 daily 106 classify ['kl&sIfaI] v. 分类 category, sort, type, kind 107 entrance ['entrJns] n. 入口 access, main gate, door, threshold入门,门槛,开始, portal大门,入口

109 ~~below [bI'lJU] prep. 在……下面 under~~
110 ~~beside [bI'saId] prep. 在……旁边 next to, near, border~~
111 available [J'veIlJbl] adj. 可用的 have, accessible, not close, open
112 boring ['bO;rIN] adj. 无趣的 not interesting, boredom, frivolous草率的,漫不经心的, trying难对付的,令人厌烦的
113 trend [trend] n. 倾向 possibility, likely, tendency
114 risky ['rIskI] adj. 危险的 dangerous, not safe, hazard, perilous, critical
115 ~~poisonous ['pOIzJnJs] adj. 有毒的 toxic, dangerous~~
116 warning ['wO;nIN] n. 警报 alarm, alert, admonition
117 ~~care [keJ(r)] v. 谨慎 caution~~
118 steal [sti;l] v. 偷窃 theft, scrump
119 protect [prJ'tekt] v. 保护 safeguard, shelter, preserve
120 ~~injury ['IndZJrI] n. 伤害 harm, hurt, damage, dangerous, frighten~~
121 military ['mIlJtrI] adj. 军事的 battle, weapon, not peaceful, martial
122 tactics ['t&ktIks] n. 策略 strategy, method
123 rely on 依靠 depend on, count on
124 travel ['tr&vl] n. 旅行 tourism, trip, passenger, flight
125 space travel 空间旅行 aircraft, rocket, satellite
126 transport ['tr&nspO;t] n. 交通 vehicle, bus, train, boat, ship, ferry, subway
127 ~~specific [spJ'sIfIk] adj. 具体的 detail, particular, example~~
128 ~~request [rI'kwest] v. 询问 ask for, inquiry~~
129 clear [klIJ(r)] adj. 清晰地 definitive
130 ~~freeze ['fri:z] v. 结冰 froze, ice, chill, cold~~
131 organization [%O;gJnaI'zeISn] n. 公司 business, company, corporation structure
132 ~~organize ['O;gJnaIz] v. 组织,安排 arrange, plan~~
133 ~~produce [prJ'dju;s] v. 产生 generate, make~~
134 administer [Jd'mInIstJ(r)] v. 管理,治理 manage
135 occupation [%QkjU'peISn] n. 职位 profession, job
136 ~~all ages 所有年龄的人 young and old~~

137 ~~youth [ju;T] n. 年轻 young, boy, child, teenager~~
138 mate [meIt] n. 伙伴 friend, peer
139 staff [stA;f] n. 员工 recruit, worker, employee
140 ~~sale [seIl] v. 销售 retail~~
141 ~~cheap [tSi;p] adj. 便宜的 low price~~
142 ~~discount ['dIskaUnt] n. 打折 10% off, on sale~~
143 round [raUnd] n. 圆 curve, circle
144 order ['O;dJ(r)] n. 顺序 sequence
145 renovate ['renJveIt] v. 修理;翻新 fix, repair
146 ~~alone [J'lJUn] adj. 单独的 single, by themselves~~
147 hospitality [%hQspI't&lJtI] n. 招待 treatment, prepare refreshment
148 ~~shape like 像 look like, seem~~
149 depress [dI'pres] v. 失望,使沮丧 disappoint, dispirit, frustrate, discourage
150 ~~well-known [%wel'nJUn] adj. 有名的 famous, fame~~
151 specialize in 专注于 focus, emphasis, concentrate
152 part [pA;t] n. 部分 component, proportion, percent, section, element, ingredient
153 ~~typical ['tIpIkl] adj. 典型的;普通的 representative, common, average~~
154 uncommon [Vn'kQmJn] adj. 特别的 special, unique, unusual, rare
155 accurately ['&kjJrJtlI] adv. 精确地 precisely
156 ~~expand [Ik'sp&nd] v. 扩建;扩张 add, enlarge, increase spaces~~
157 ~~climb [klaIm] v. 上升 go up, increase~~
158 ~~enhance [In'hA;ns] v. 增强 improve, increase~~
159 ~~power ['paUJ(r)] n. 力量 force, energy~~
160 fuel ['fju;Jl] n. 燃料 coal, firewood, petrol, gas
161 refurbish [%ri;'f3;bIS] v. 重新装修 redecorate
162 preference ['prefrJns] n. 偏爱;优先权 like, priority
163 trust [trVst] v. 信任 less suspicious, believe
164 ~~computer [kJm'pju;tJ(r)] n. 电脑 laptop~~

165 handy ['h&ndI] adj. 方便的 convenient
166 demonstrate ['demJnstreIt] v. 展示 display, show, exhibition
167 important [Im'pO;tnt] adj. 主要的 significant, major, main, primary
168 straightforward [%streIt'fO;wJd] adj. 简单直接的 direct, first-hand, simple
169 ~~disused [%dIs'ju;zd] adj. 废弃的 empty, abandoned~~
170 donate [dJU'neIt] v. 捐赠 charity, give
171 ~~work [w3;k] n. 作品 item~~
172 ~~turn [t3;n] v. 转动 switch~~
173 information [%InfJ'meISn] n. 信息 details, data, graph, chart
174 visualize ['vIZUJlaIz] v. 想象 imagine
175 repetition [%repJ'tISn] n. 重复 over and over
176 ~~poor [pO;(r)] adj. 弱的 weak~~
177 durable ['djUJrJbl] adj. 耐用的 stronger, longer
178 pollutant [pJ'lu;tJnt] n. 污染物 contaminant
179 ~~continue [kJn'tInju;] v. 继续 ahead, go on, keep doing~~

ancestor祖先, antique古董


construct 构造,建设,建造 v.

structure 结构,构造 n.

component 成分,部件,构件

institution 机构


property 财产,属性

proportion 部分,比例,率