一. 开头

  1. 开头语言框架

XX is a matter of considerable public concern. There are conflicting views on whether …

My view is that …

  1. 题干改写

  2. 原题题干:the key solution to environmental problems is simple: the present generation should have a less comfortable life for the future generation. agree or disagree.

the key solution to XX is…

When it comes to XX, …can generate significant effects.

c. 原题题干:more people buy things online. is it positive or negative?

whether XX can generate desirable effects or not.

eg. whether the trend of online shopping can generate desirable effects or not.

XX do harm to sth.

cannot generate desirable effects to

b. 原题题干:teachers have more influence on children than their parents. agree or disagree.

A have more influence on …than B

A can generate more significant effects on … compared with B.

XX should be banned.

XX should not be officially/legally allowed.

d. 原题题干:it is no longer necessary to do sth. because…

there is no need to do sth/… is a waste

there is no justification for sb to do sth (due to the presence of sth.)

  1. 总结:

题目:It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct. There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?

eg. Animal extinction is a matter of considerable public concern. There are conflicting views on whether there is no justification for people to deal with this problem. My view is that each one should and must take actions.

二. 主体段落

  1. 主体段落语言框架

    One major point is that…

    Apart from the point mentioned above, it is worth noticing that…

    However, some people hold an opposing view, believing that…

    Their opinion is justified to some extent but they ignore that…

  2. 论点

a. 社会问责类


  1. 谁带来谁解决 have the greatest impact…
  2. 谁有能力谁解决 have the capacity to do
  3. 谁受益谁解决 can gain enormous benefits from…


  1. government: 有钱sufficient funds

                                  有权powerful policies
                                  考虑周全the benefits to all; the sustainable development

b. company: 影响大众消费行为affect the public’s consuming behavior

c. individuals: change daily habits; affect the policy of governments and the strategies of companies



human activities the environment
砍伐森林变成耕地为了种植粮食 导致了森林退化,加剧全球变暖

Firstly, it is clear that human activities have had the greatest impact on the environment throughout history.

In order to cultivate sufficient grains to cater to the survival demands of the booming population, humans have massively cleared forests to convert them into farmlands. As a result, this has lead to deforestation and then intensified global warming.

So, whoever created the problem should solve it; environment protection needs every one of us to continuously participate in.


Moreover, the public’s wills and behaviors have a critical influence on government policies and company strategies. For example, if growing numbers of people become vegetarians, the food manufactures who used to produce meat products will reduce raising livestock like cattle, so that this can decrease the mission of harmful gas like methane.